Kamis, 16 April 2009

Snack iseng di saat santai / nganggur (bab 1)

Kalo nganggur, tau ga biasanya aq ngapain? Udah pasti tidur-tiduran ga jelas gitu. Nah, untuk menghindar sikap beginian, aq lagi coba bikin Mochi isi mangga, Kebayang kan gimana rasanya, wuah pasti enak!! Mau tau ga gimana cara buatnya? Nih, kasi bocoran deh... :) Tapi pake bahasa Inggris, jd siap-siap buka kamus bagi yang ga ngerti. :) :P Hasilnya seperti yang kalian lihat di sana! Gak nahan, kan? Hehe



2 cup glutinous rice-flour

20 tablespoons sugar

16 ounces mango juice

1 mango

1 cup coconut flakes (optional)

Potato starch or cornstarch


  1. In a medium-size bowl, mix mango juice and the sugar until well dissolved

  2. Add in the rice flour ½ cup at a time until well blended

  3. Pour mixture into a pan and steam for 20 minutes

  4. While waiting for the dough to steam, peel the mango and cube it for the filling

  5. Test for doneness when a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean

  6. Take pan out and let cool for 10 to 15 minutes

  7. Lay cornstarch onto a wide working surface to avoid the dough from sticking to the work surface

  8. Also generously cover hands with cornstarch

  9. While still warm, scoop the dough out of the pan with a spoon covered in cornstarch and roll into medium size balls

  10. Flatten the dough ball and place a mango cube in the middle

  11. Close the ball tightly and place on a plate that is dusted with cornstarch

  12. Repeat until all of the dough is used

  13. Lightly brush the balls with water and then gently sprinkle the shredded coconut onto the balls


When rolling the balls from the dough, this part is the hardest. It is very sticky and some what difficult to work with. The cooler the dough is, the harder the dough will be to work with. Also the more cornstarch you have on your hands and use, the less it will stick to you and the dough will be easier to work with. But you can also try to line your steamer pan with a cheesecloth and then when it is ready, just lay the dough onto a cutting board that has been generously sprinkled with cornstarch and roll it into a log and then slice the dough from that instead of doing it in the procedure above. This would be easier and less messy. Also it would be better to use a ripe mango so the filling will be really nice and sweet.

Gimana? Ngerti gak? Hasilnya imut plus enak loh! Coba aja sendiri! :)

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